Monday 7 April 2008

The Other rabbit

Cant say too much , but if you remember when I first came to the house there was a big fat lardy rabbit called George who used to rule the roost here, until he went to live his days out up stairs, in the safe dog free space in TBG and Twigg's room.
There is another rabbit that lives upstairs in a certain persons room..... ( you know who are)
I have met said rabbit twice, once when he was very kindly left on the dining room table for me to play with, then the next time when he was left the other side of the stair gate.That took some doing, yanking him out and bouncing all over him until i was caught....... Although I will still say he started it........
He is flea bitten and manky and looks like Roadkill and you are too old to have a fav teddy and I think its only fair he is handed over to me, to love and hug and cherish ( and well if he gets ripped I will blame it on horseplay).............. I know his name, I know where he lives and its only a matter of time before he is mine all mine........................................

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