Tuesday 14 October 2008

Milk Monitor

"Milk-o, Milk-o........................! "
Ernie may have very well have been the fastest milk man in the west...he would have needed to be with me fast on his heels......
As I have said before I do not have OCD ; I is a hound, I is a creature of habit....and a new habit has developed in my house...involving the magic white food cuboard- ( The one Tbg comes home from work opens and stands in front of to see if the magic food pixies have made a delivery of any thing exciting while he's been at work and he can quickly stuff in his face before Twiggs shouts at him that she didnt buy those nom nom things to be eaten....... ( ?)
I have noticed that every night Twiggs makes The albino one a hot drink and normally her self one also....which means MILK.......apart from when Emo is being all arty farty and opts for lemon & Honey in her tea - whats that all about then..you only have lemon and honey in cakey bakey things and when you have a croaky sore throat..but come on in tea ????? NO !
Twiggs used to give me powdered milk with weetabix ( until they realised that what was making all the urban curry mess)..when I say powdered milk of course she used to mix it with water for me..even Twiggs isnt that cruel she'd make me use my big long snout like a giant Dib-dab !!
So when I hear the kettle being put on , I know whats coming...then as soon as I hear the magic white cuboard open I spring through off the sofa like Bambi on speed straight to my dish as give it the cute ears up, head on the side thing..which Twiggs thinks is me being rather cute and fetching..actually the ears up and head to the side is me trying the ole telepathy...." put milk in my dish...put milk in my dish....PUT THE MILK IN MY DISH....... ! "
Never failed me yet.......
Yum yum love milk..Tbg moans about all the milk we are using, Twiggs tells him its good for my bones and to stop being a tight arse and a wee drop of milk wont ruin us.
I love having the milk mustache, I try and lick it all off , but then have to give up and stick my bum in the air whilst trying to wipe my mouth on floor...keeping guard with one beady eye that no one tries to tip me over whilst I am in a vunrable posistion........
I reacon the should get a cow ( the bovine as oppossed to the stroppy kind that we get in our house) and keep in the garden so I have milk on tap all day rather than having to wait until nearly bed time.............

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