Saturday 13 August 2011

GPS ( Greyhound Peeing System)- Nelliecaching

TBG has purchased a GPS as he has gotten into Geocaching- described as a Treasure hunt -looking for Tupperware using Million dollar equipment. We call it Nelliecaching as I always get dragged along * whoop-whoop* ( that was sarcasm- in case you missed that).

Who needs to pinpoint where you are when you have me ??????
Every time we go on a walk I always have at least a zillion wee-wee's along the way- so if we did get lost- I would know the way back using Greyhound Peeing System- simple really.
Anyway this involves TBG sitting for yonks on his lap top looking at Nelliecaching sites then transferring the details to his little black book.... then choosing where to go.
I am dragged along - yes dragged.. some of these places I am most certain he could use the car for..but Oh no Captain beefy legs has to walk everywhere.
Pinkmoo was given control of The GPS - meaning she got to hold my lead- as if TBG would give up his new toy !!!!!!!.
So anyway we walk walk walk walk- then yup walk some more looking at its toy until we sort of get to the right spot maybe ( well with in 200 meters !) then out comes the black book with the clues on , for example Behind a tree- DUH, we are in a freaking forest- this may take some time then !!!!!!) so on this instance in the rain we are hunting for the cache hidden behind a tree in a forest in the rain.. Twiggs & pinkmoo grow weary after unearthing several worms, dead badgers and sleeping tramps- Oh no Ole Bear Grylls is well into it all and keeps getting the book of clues out in case the clue has magically changed since last time twiggs had to drag it out of the knapsack - word of warning when on laptop looking it up please check to make sure you have written the clues down correctly or that the cache has been maintained and not in need of replacing etc..or the next nellie cache may be a 6foot 4 bald Brummie buried in the woods under a dead badger

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